The Heart of the Matter: Dilated Cardiomyopathy

February is the month of Valentine hearts and flowers, but did you know that it’s also American Heart Month? To celebrate, Felton Veterinary Hospital is shining a spotlight on pet heart health by focusing on the signs of heart disease in pets, and what pet owners can do to prevent it.
Nearly ten percent of pets suffer from heart disease. Like humans, animals experience different forms of heart disease – some that are genetic or age-related, and some that develop from other health issues. While many heart problems cannot be prevented, pets can still enjoy healthy, long lives with early detection of disease, careful management, and a healthy lifestyle. Continue…
Announcing Our Best Pet Care Blogs of 2021

The pets we share our lives with are pretty predictable (despite the great unpredictability of the past few years!). Just like us, they like certain things to happen at particular moments of the day, week, or month. Creatures, as it were, of habit.
At Felton Veterinary Hospital, we like to respond to pet patterns with monthly blog posts. These blogs are intended to shed some light on both new and familiar pet topics. We care what our community of pet owners are interested in when it comes to their pets, so we pay attention to which blogs resonate the most with our clients. As we ring in 2022, we take a second look at Felton Veterinary Hospital’s most popular blogs of 2021. Continue…
Keep The Feast on the Table, Not Under It…And Other Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Anyone who has pets knows the pain of resisting puppy dog eyes at the dinner table. As cute as they are, our pets often win the battle on that one. But when it comes to Thanksgiving safety for pets, it’s important to understand the risks and repercussions of giving in.
But letting your pet partake in the feast is not the only risk to their health around the holidays. Keep reading for Felton Veterinary Hospital’s best tips for Thanksgiving pet safety, and avoid an emergency room visit on this, the most festive of holidays.
Continue…Outfox Foxtails – Protecting Your Dog against Foxtails

Does your dog hike or run with you in grassy open areas? Or do they love to go sniffing in overgrown areas in your yard or neighborhood? Uh oh, foxtail season is HERE. Here’s how to recognize, and more importantly, prevent these nasty weeds from hurting your dog.
What is a foxtail?
A foxtail is a grass-like weed that blooms every spring and releases barbed seed heads. These barbs can work their way into any part of your dog’s body- including eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and even directly into the skin. Because of their barbed nature, they tend to be very difficult to remove, and even worse, they can travel beyond sight very quickly.
Continue…First Aid Kits for Dogs: Supplies You Should Pack

You know you need a dog first aid kit for hikes or camping trips you take with your canine, but do you know what should be in it? In this short video, Dr. Sarah Wooten covers basic first aid supplies — like butterfly bandages, tweezers and a muzzle — and how best to store them.
Before you go out with your pet on such an adventure, read up on basic first aid procedures, including when to induce vomiting and when not to. And, of course, if your dog has special needs, consult with your veterinarian for recommendations about additional supplies.