Keep The Feast on the Table, Not Under It…And Other Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Anyone who has pets knows the pain of resisting puppy dog eyes at the dinner table. As cute as they are, our pets often win the battle on that one. But when it comes to Thanksgiving safety for pets, it’s important to understand the risks and repercussions of giving in.
But letting your pet partake in the feast is not the only risk to their health around the holidays. Keep reading for Felton Veterinary Hospital’s best tips for Thanksgiving pet safety, and avoid an emergency room visit on this, the most festive of holidays.
Continue…When It Rains it Spores

The Santa Cruz Mountains are home to more than 1,000 mushroom species.
The recent rainstorms have triggered many types of mushroom caps to emerge from their underground stems.
During the winter months, it’s important to keep your yard clear of mushrooms & to keep a close watch on your dogs when they are roaming in areas where they may be exposed to mushrooms.
Continue…Pet Poisoning: Prevention Is Key

Our four-legged friends tend to be active and adventurous, and we love that about them! However, at times they can – shall we say – “get into things” that they shouldn’t. Hopefully, your pets have never ingested anything that caused a pet emergency, but it’s always great to be prepared!
As we spring into spring, we’re all itching to get outside. It’s amazing (and somewhat scary!) how many potential poisons are in and around the average garden, yard, and home. With that in mind, Felton Veterinary Hospital has put together here a few tips and ideas for how to prevent pet poisoning at home.